A craddle rental service

‘Kabi’ is a design concept proposal for the Hau design contest, which consists on redesigning a traditional basque object. After analyzing the current market and trends, I realized it was not only the baby’s needs that needed to be met, but also the parent’s.

‘Kabi’ consists on a wodden structure combined with a cotton cover with a traditional Basque pattern. This combination makes its design perfect for the rental service idea behind: Parents can buy the cotton cover and the mattress, and rent the wooden structure.

Based on the ‘Baby box’ tradition in Finland, ‘Kabi’ could be a service provided by the government to support the families and enable all babies to have a safe space during their first months of life. Once the craddle is no longer needed, the parents can return it so that another baby can use it.

This project was the winner of the HAU Design contest (2023)

